• Forbidden Fruit

     Cherishing his warm and tight embrace I am awaken by the slither of daylight peeping through the curtain. Its morning and I have no joy in it my lover is leaving me in a matter of hours and it will be another 6 months til we see each oher again. A single tear wakes my lover and is reciprocated with a soothing forehead kiss. Don't start cryin baby save those tears for when Im gone. Or atlest let me give you another tear jerkin orgasm so I wont feel bad. He's not my man, he belongs to somebody else, but he is my muse. The man that makes my senses alert the river of words and causes passion combine and flow on into streaming works of art.  She may have a ring, but she doesnt understand how to appreciate him. That's why he returns to me, I make him enjoy being a man.  He inspires me to be the best woman in everything I do. She be lookin like hell and takes his idol dick in vain. He comes to me on leaves of business. I make him work the  hell out of me. Fuckin and writing and being really risky. He loves fucking in public and I have no objections. Last night he ate my pussy in the back seat of a taxi, the driver didn't mind, actually he gave us the ride for free, and offered tissues to dry off my over soaked pussy.

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